
Septic systems depend on a number of components to successfully direct wastewater away from the home and ultimately to the drain field for final treatment and dispersal. Among them are filters, which are installed in septic tank outlets to prevent debris from entering the drain field. This helps prevent clogging, which might otherwise result in a flood or drain field failure. Here’s what you need to know about this important part.

What Types of Filters Are Available?

It depends on the type of septic system on your property. Standard setups equipped with septic tanks and drain fields rely on gravity filters. They’re fitted in the tank’s outlet and are designed to prevent solid matter from flowing out and into the drain field with the effluent. By contrast, mound systems feature tanks, drain fields, and pumps. The latter component pulls waste to the man-made mound, where it then undergoes treatment. This type of system requires a pressure filter, made for use with submersible pumps. It prevents the pump from pushing solid matter along with effluent into the drain field.

What Are Some Signs They Need Cleaning?

septic tankMany of the signs of a clogged filter are the same as those of a blocked tank. You might notice that water is slower to drain and toilets are sluggish when flushed. You might also hear gurgling noises emanating from the pipes. In more severe cases, sewage may back up inside the home. Check the condition of the drain field. If there’s a clog in the filter, then the effluent likely discharges at a very slow pace. That may lend the drain field a dry appearance, especially if the problem has been ongoing for a while.

How Often Should They Be Cleaned?

All septic tanks eventually accumulate a significant amount of waste material. The filter eventually develops a blockage, too. That’s why it’s critical to clean the filter periodically to ensure that the entire system runs seamlessly. A good rule of thumb is to follow your septic tank pumping schedule. The tank typically performs efficiently for anywhere from three to five years before it requires pumping. You should have your technician clean the filter at the same time.


If you’re seeking a dependable professional to clean your septic filters, turn to the team at Holmen Pumping Service. Proudly serving clients throughout La Crosse, Galesville, Trempealeau, West Salem, Melrose, Mindoro, and Ettrick, WI, since 1989, the family-owned company offers general septic tank service and repairs. They also perform other vital tasks to ensure that your system runs smoothly, including septic inspections and pumpings. Visit the website for more information, or call (608) 526-3865 to schedule an appointment.
