
Adult martial arts classes provide a fantastic way to get in shape, learn self-defense, and improve coordination. They also offer psychological and social benefits that will make you feel confident and improve the way you communicate with others. Once you decide to sign up for training, here are a handful of important things you should do to prepare.

4 Ways to Get Ready for Adult Martial Arts Classes

1. Research

The right school can make a huge difference when it comes to getting the most out of your training. Research studios in your area—in addition to reading reviews and getting word of mouth referrals, go on tours of a few schools. Make sure they are clean, committed to student safety, and have a welcoming staff of instructors. 

2. Be Ready to Challenge Yourself 

martial artsWhether you plan to take courses in karate or jiu-jitsu, all martial arts training presents physical and mental challenges. You’ll repeat various postures and movements, which is a full-body workout.

It also takes patience, focus, and discipline to develop a precise technique, which can take many years. Prepare physically by getting plenty of rest and eating healthy before class, and prepare mentally by staying in a positive state of mind. 

3. Respect Your Teacher

During martial arts classes, your instructor will expect you to treat them with respect, and they will treat you with the same. Approach each class with an attitude of obedience, deference, and kindness. This will also show that you have respect for the studio and your fellow classmates. 

4. Make Time for Practice

In addition to attending classes two to three times per week, prepare to practice outside of the studio for an hour or two on off days. Your instructor will likely assign homework and administer tests, so set aside time in your schedule to practice your forms and review your training exercises.


When you’re ready to reap the physical, mental, and social benefits of martial arts classes, look into programs available from Iron Dragon Fitness & Self Defense. They provide training in karate, self-defense, ki moo do, and Korean sword art to adults and children throughout Middletown, NY. Call (845) 342-3413 to sign up for online martial arts classes, and visit the website to learn more about how karate promotes overall wellness. 
