
To prevent your septic system from backing up, it’s important to be gentle with your tank. If you flush the wrong items down the toilet or don’t engage in regular maintenance, you could have an issue. Here are some ways to avoid backups in your septic tank.

How to Keep Your Septic System Healthy

1. Be Careful What You Flush

The only materials you should be flushing down your toilet are human waste and toilet paper. Any other substances can cause problems with your septic tank because they don’t break down properly. Although some wipes say that they’re flushable, they shouldn’t be flushed at all, especially if you have a septic system. 

Don’t flush paper products like tissues, paper towels, diapers, or feminine hygiene products, as they can absorb water and clog your system, which can lead to severe backups. You should also avoid flushing medications or antibiotics down the toilet, as they can kill the bacteria in your septic tank. Other items to avoid flushing include cigarette butts, food scraps, coffee grounds, and kitty litter. Keep a garbage can near your toilet, and inform any guests that you have a septic system and only toilet paper can be flushed.

2. Use Less Water When Guests Visit

septic systemYour septic system can only handle a certain amount of water at a time. Visits from family members or friends can cause extra strain on your septic system from activities like handwashing, showering, and using the bathroom, especially if they’re staying overnight. To keep your septic tank from backing up, avoid activities that involve a lot of water while your guests are over like washing a car, filling a kiddie pool, or doing laundry. Either do these things a day before or wait until a few days after your guests depart.

3. Don’t Pour Grease Down the Drain

Grease should never be poured down the drains in your home. As the grease cools off, it can solidify in your pipes and cause plumbing issues and septic backups. Store your grease in a heat-resistant container near your stove. The grease will solidify, making it safe to throw away in the garbage.


If your septic system needs attention, call the professionals at American On Site. They’ve proudly served the customers in the Willamette Valley, OR, area for over 15 years. Whether you need help with a backup or a whole new system installed, they’ll deliver. They strive to educate homeowners on the best ways to maintain their septic systems and avoid issues. Visit their website, or call (503) 829-7600 to schedule a consultation.
