
Whenever possible, a dentist will strive to save a decaying or injured tooth, but sometimes an extraction is the best approach. Having a tooth removed can be uncomfortable, but with the right aftercare, most patients are back to their normal routines in just a few days. Below are a few tips for recovering from a tooth extraction as quickly as possible.

What Are the Steps to Take After a Tooth Extraction?

1. Gently Apply Pressure

Before you leave, the dental clinic staff will provide gauze pads and show you how to apply them to the empty socket. Keeping pressure on the socket for at least two hours will help stop any bleeding and promote clotting.

2. Avoid Creating Suction Inside Your Mouth

Smoking, swishing with water, and drinking through a straw creates slight suction inside your mouth, which can pull the plug out of the socket. Dry socket, as this condition is called, can be extremely painful and extend the healing process by days. Most professionals urge patients to ignore these habits for at least three days after a tooth extraction.

3. Pick Up Medications Beforehand

tooth extractionMost tooth extraction patients will only need some acetaminophen to deal with the discomfort, so make sure you have some beforehand. If your doctor is going to prescribe stronger painkillers, ask if you can fill the prescription before your procedure so you can go straight home afterward.

4. Stick to Soft Foods

Chewy, crunchy, or hard foods can get stuck in the stock, damaging your gums and making it harder to heal. For at least 24 hours, stick to liquids and soft foods like yogurt, ice cream, pudding, and mashed potatoes. As the surgical site heals, you can gradually go back to your favorite foods.

5. Report Unusual Reactions

While infections after a tooth extraction are uncommon, they do occur. If your pain gets worse over time, or you experience nausea, vomiting, or a fever, contact your dental office or go to the ER as soon as possible.


With years of experience and a commitment to providing top-quality care to every single patient, Oral Surgery Center, S.C. is known throughout Baraboo, WI, for their professionalism and expertise. If you need a tooth extraction, you can rely on them to deliver exceptional care, both before and after the procedure. Visit their website for a closer look at their oral surgery services or call (608) 356-2112 to make your first appointment today.
