
If you’re looking for ways to lower your bills while making your home more eco-friendly, start in the bathroom. Energy-efficient bathroom faucets can make a major difference in your home, especially if you’re using old and outdated plumbing fixtures. Use the following guide to learn how energy-saving models work and why they’re helpful.

What Are Common Ways Water Is Wasted in a Home?

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American uses about 88 gallons of water each day. A significant portion of that flows down the bathroom sink as you wash your hands or brush your teeth. While you can learn responsible habits like turning the water off in between rinses, part of the problem is that more water is likely coming out of the faucet than you really need.

What Is an Energy-Efficient Faucet?

bathroom faucetsTraditional faucets simply let water flow out, propelled by the pressure in the connected pipes. Energy-efficient devices take a more active stance when it comes to water flow.

These models pressurize and aerate the water as it comes out, so it’s full of little air bubbles that expand and agitate the liquid. This allows you to rinse just as effectively with less water. You can also get a separate aerator to attach to your existing faucet that will work the same way to control how much water is being used.

Why Should You Update Your Faucets?

An energy-efficient bathroom faucet is a small purchase that can produce big savings. Depending on the model, you’ll use at least 20% less water when you use your sink. Not only does this lower your water bill, but it also means you use less hot water. This keeps your water heater from working as hard to reheat water, and also lowers your energy bills.

These models are also healthy for the environment. Pumping and purifying water for human use is an energy-intensive process. The less water you use, the less demand you place on the system. This results in less electricity usage, creating a smaller carbon footprint, and leaving more clean water available for everyone.


If you’re looking for an energy-efficient bathroom faucet to fit your sink, visit Day's Plumbing Supply in Lexington, KY. For over 40 years, this family-owned store has offered a full range of options from manufacturers like Delta®, Krowne®, and Hamilton Bathware®. They are also the Fayette County area’s specialist in finding rare and antique plumbing fixtures. To get started, call (859) 254-6148 or reach out online.
