
Buried deep within the earth’s core is a powerful energy source that can be used for natural warming and cooling systems in houses. Known as geothermal energy, this electricity alternative has become a popular choice for homeowners in recent years. If you’re considering installing this system, here are some factors to consider first.

What Do You Need to Consider Before Adding a Geothermal Energy System?

1. Space Needed

You’ll need ample space to dig and install the underground loops for this system. These channels will connect a circulating fluid with the ground for a certain period, so heating and cooling temperatures can stabilize. The space should be free of trees, roots, and other structures that could impede the process.

2. Water Access

geothermal energyMost geothermal energy systems will be more cost-efficient to implement if a water source, such as a pond or lake, is nearby. Depending on the system's configuration, the underground loops may be installed a minimum of eight feet under the water source for optimum performance. If a water source isn't close to the property, a man-made alternative will need to be created.

3. Soil Composition

If the soil on your property has a more rocky composition, the type of underground looping system could be impacted. Rocky soil will generally require vertical looping, which can be a bit pricier than horizontal looping. Also, certain types of soil provide better heat conduction than others.

4. Heat Pump Options

There's a range of heat pump choices that can accommodate your home's needs. For example, a geothermal energy system can include a heat pump that warms an outdoor swimming pool. During extremely humid weather, a heat pump is also capable of transferring heat away from your home. You also may be eligible for cost-saving rebates and tax credits from local, state, and federal agencies that encourage green energy alternatives.


If you’re ready to install a geothermal energy system, contact Mill Creek Heating in Turner, OR. These experienced installers offer systems that feature three temperature zones, domestic hot water preheat, and a high-efficiency performance-tested duct network. These amenities mean your home will have reliable and comfortable heating and cooling channels year-around. To learn more about the benefits of geothermal energy, visit their website. Then, call (503) 749-1000 for a consultation and installation price estimate.
