
Physical therapy helps you retrain your body and become stronger to recover from an illness or injury. However, many people who attend appointments aren’t quite sure how to maximize their time with the specialist. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your next session. 

3 Tips for Maximizing Your Physical Recovery

1. Dress the Part

When you attend physical therapy, you’ll perform a series of exercises prescribed specifically for you. To improve your range of motion, wear comfortable, stretchy clothing.

You can opt for loose-fitting T-shirts and shorts for maximum movement or workout tights and sleeveless tops to hold everything together. While you may be asked to remove your shoes for certain exercises, wear athletic socks and trainers with flat soles, making it easier to run, walk, and perform exercises like squats. 

2. Be Ready to Work

physical therapyYou may find yourself uncomfortable as you move through unfamiliar exercises that work previously injured muscles. Be prepared mentally and physically to work hard, sweat, and improve your health through targeted treatments.

Try to schedule some downtime after the appointment. You don’t want to feel stressed about finishing the session to run errands or make it to dinner on time. Instead, schedule therapy on a day when you have enough time to focus on the work and rest your body after.

3. Come With Questions 

Don’t be afraid to talk with your physical therapist about what you’re feeling and ask for solutions. If you’re struggling with muscle soreness, they may offer medical massages to relax your body.

Whether you’re struggling with technique, at-home exercises, or ongoing discomfort, being transparent about how you feel gives them a chance to help you in a more targeted way. Record any questions you have during the week as you perform your exercises, and ask the therapist for help during the next appointment.


Whether you live with chronic pain or are recovering after a car accident, the team at Physical Therapy Unlimited will help. Since their inception more than 36 years ago, this trusted team of professionals has brought pain relief and a better quality of life to their patients throughout Comal County, TX. Learn more about their approach to wellness by visiting their website or calling (830) 907-2145.
