
Good dental care, which includes brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist on a regular basis, has a huge impact on your oral health. However, family history also plays a role in common dental issues, including tooth decay and gum disease. Understanding the role genetics play ensures you can properly care for your smile. Here are a few factors to consider. 

How Genetics Impact Oral Health

Among other contributing factors, gum disease can be influenced by your family history. This disease is characterized by redness, swelling, and bleeding in the gums. The early effects can be reversed, but when it reaches the stage of periodontitis, dental treatments like scaling and root planing may be necessary to prevent the issue from getting worse. 

An increased risk of tooth decay has also been identified in people with certain variations of the beta-defensin 1 (DEFB1) gene. This gene triggers an immune system response to fight off germs, so when a person is deficient, they have a less robust defense against decay-causing oral bacteria. 

Oral cancer is a more serious concern and can be affected by genetics, which is why dentists are so adamant that patients get screened at every checkup. Two defects caused by gene mutations have been shown to increase the risk of oral cancer—Fanconi anemia, which is associated with blood disorders, and dyskeratosis congenita (DC), which is linked to skin issues like rashes. 

How to Prevent Dental Issues

Identistf you’re aware of people in your family with gum disease, make sure your dentist knows your genetic history. This helps them develop an early intervention plan to ensure gum disease never advances beyond the initial stages.

When it comes to the risk of tooth decay, proper dental care is the best possible defense. Limit your consumption of sugary treats and sodas, as sugar fuels oral bacteria responsible for degrading tooth enamel.

As for oral cancer, everyone should undergo regular screenings regardless of their family’s genetic history. If you know the risk of developing cancer in your family is high, make the right lifestyle choices to prevent increasing your risk even further. Don’t smoke and be sure to drink alcohol in moderation as well as eat a healthy diet. 


A trusted dental clinic can help you lower your risk of oral health issues, regardless of genetic factors. Elberta Dental offers preventative care as well as restorative services to give you a bright, beautiful smile. They also strive to create a relaxed, peaceful office environment. This clinic proudly serves patients in Elberta, AL, as well as Summerdale, Robertsdale, Foley, Lillian, and the Greater Baldwin area. Call (251) 986-3500 to schedule your appointment or visit the website for more information on dental services. 
