
Just like many physical conditions, some mental disorders can affect the ability to work and earn a living. That’s why social security disability benefits are available to people who meet the criteria for certain mental disorders, as detailed in the Social Security Administration’s Blue Book. For insight into whether your claim will be approved, below are three types of mental disorders that qualify. 

What Conditions Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

1. Anxiety Disorders

When a person has an anxiety disorder, it means everyday situations can trigger intense feelings of nervousness or unease that make it difficult to function. A doctor will consider the type of anxiety a person experiences and the frequency and length of the attacks as they make a diagnosis.

A person with general anxiety, for example, experiences feelings of anxiousness without any underlying cause for at least six months. A person who uses repetitive actions as a coping mechanism may have obsessive-compulsive disorder.

To increase the chance of receiving social security disability benefits for an anxiety disorder, provide a history of medical treatment with the claim. 

2. Dementia

social security disabilityA person can develop dementia due to genetics, illness, body chemistry, or brain injuries. The condition is marked by a gradual or fast decline in cognitive function. In the Blue Book, dementia is categorized as an organic mental disorder.

To qualify for disability benefits for dementia, a person must meet various criteria, including a history of disorientation, memory impairment, or hallucinations. Evidence must also show the person has been having problems functioning in daily life without support for at least a year.

3. Schizophrenia 

A person diagnosed with the brain disorder schizophrenia experiences delusions and hallucinations that cause a break from reality. The condition can also make it difficult to concentrate and perform even the simplest tasks. To qualify for social security disability benefits, the claimant must prove they experience delusions or hallucinations, catatonic states, a history of irrational thinking, or withdrawal from society.

Medical records must be included with the file that state the claimant has had schizophrenia for at least two years. Documents must also be presented that prove the mental condition makes it difficult to work and that the claimant needs outside support to function in daily life.


If you have a mental disorder and want to apply for social security disability benefits, contact Vincent J. Criscuolo & Associates for help. The attorneys fight to get clients in Rochester, NY, money to support the loss of income due to mental illness and physical injuries. Learn about each lawyer’s background online and call (585) 232-3240 to find out how they will help with your case. 
