
Did you know many cleaning services are switching to eco-friendly cleaning supplies because of their many benefits? Traditional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can emit fumes that might irritate a person or animal’s eyes and lungs and eat away at materials like wood, fabric, and paint. On the other hand, green products offer these advantages. 

Why Should You Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products?

1. Healthier

Eco-friendly products improve a space’s overall indoor air quality by removing dust, allergens, and animal dander, reducing health risks such as respiratory distress, skin irritations, and eye infections. Meanwhile, they don’t leave behind any harmful residue from harsh ingredients that can be breathed in, unlike chemical products. 

2. Safer

Green cleaners must meet strict guidelines regarding toxicity and skin absorption, which also means they can’t be corrosive. Professional-grade chemical cleaners can eat away at metals, and they should be handled carefully by users. Therefore, green products minimize harmful risks for users and a building’s occupants, particularly when it comes to chemical poisoning.

3. Natural

cleaning-service-la-crosse-wiRather than consisting of chemical ingredients like phosphorus and nitrogen, eco-friendly cleaners contain plant-derived ingredients. As a result, they have low volatile organic compound (VOC) content, and they are biodegradable, which is better for the environment. They are often sold in reduced or recyclable packaging, which reduces water and air pollution.

4. Affordable 

A misconception about using eco-friendly cleaners is that it’s costly, but there are fewer green products ingredients. You'll likely see this reflected in the price, and professional cleaning services typically don’t charge extra for using green cleaning products. 


If you want to hire a cleaning service for your home or office, consider Stratton Cleaning Services in La Crosse, WI. This family-owned company uses Norwex products because they reduce harsh chemicals. Their professional cleaners offer both general and extensive cleaning options to meet each client’s needs. Call (608) 397-7849 to speak to a representative or visit them Facebook to learn more about their office and house cleaning services.
