
Dental implant crowns look and feel like real teeth. Similar to your natural pearly whites, they require proper care to last a long time. Neglecting to follow a healthy dental routine can potentially lead to peri-implantitis and mucositis,  which are easily preventable diseases. Fortunately, you can avoid any issues by following these tips and protecting your newly placed implants.

How to Care for Dental Implant Crowns

1. Switch to Low-Abrasive Products

Dental crowns are made from porcelain, making them durable but prone to scratching. Abrasive products often contain baking soda, harsh cleansers, and other stain-removing agents that can wear down the glaze. Also, products with bleach and chlorine can weaken the implant’s components.

Instead, look for a toothpaste that doesn’t contain these substances but has antimicrobial ingredients. Consider using nonabrasive mouth rinses to remove bacteria if you find it difficult to brush the implants, especially if they’re near the back of your mouth.

2. Avoid Bad Habits

dental crown implantsIf you were thinking about quitting smoking, having dental implants is another reason to kick the habit. Smoking not only stains your crowns, but it can also weaken the gums and affect the implants. Try quitting to prolong the life of your new smile.

Also, avoid chewing hard items like candy and ice cubes, since these can break the porcelain. Unconsciously gnawing on your fingernails or inanimate objects can also diminish the appearance of the crowns. If you tend to grind or clench your teeth while sleeping, ask your dentist about wearing protective apparatus like mouthguards and retainers.

3. Use Gum Stimulators

Without proper care, the gumline around a dental implant could start to exceed and become more susceptible to gingivitis and other diseases. A gum stimulator is a dental device that comes with a long metal handle and rubber tip. It’s used to loosen and remove debris between the implants.

It also massages the gums to stimulate blood flow, strengthening the gumline and keeping the implants firmly in place. Manual and electric stimulators are available, and both types can be effective. However, electric variants take less effort to use.


For more tips on maintaining your dental implants, visit the dentists at Parkway Family Dental. Serving the communities of Kalispell, MT, and the surrounding areas, this practice offers general and cosmetic dentistry services, including teeth cleanings, extractions, and implants. Call (406) 752-2372 to schedule an appointment, or visit the website for more information on their services.
