
A clogged drain happens when you least expect it, and it's always an inconvenience. While clogs are a nuisance every homeowner deals with at some point, identifying the common causes can help you reduce the need for drain cleaning and keep your pipes flowing freely. Explore three well-known drain-clogging culprits in the guide below.

The Top Contributors to Clogged Drains

1. Hair

It's natural for hair to fall out while you shower, but over time, hair accumulations can become tangled around your drain stop, or deep within the plumbing itself, resulting in frustrating clogs.

Routine drain cleaning after showers and baths can help reduce the amount of hair that builds up in your drains. You can also consider installing drain screens to capture hair and debris before it enters your pipes.

2. Fat, Oil & Grease

drain cleaningFat, oil, and grease (also known as FOG) are common causes of drain clogs in a household kitchen, contributing not only to a backed-up sink but also to sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). SSOs occur when wastewater backs up into your home resulting in water damage as well as health risks.

To prevent this, avoid running any animal fats, oils, or grease products, including dairy, down your sink.  Instead, cool them, place them in a garbage-safe container, and throw them out with your regular household trash.

3. Soap Scum

Handwashing is essential for everyday hygiene, but over time, soap can solidify in your drains, especially in homes with hard water that contains minerals such as calcium and magnesium. When the minerals in hard water combine with the fatty acids in your soap, they turn to lime soap, which can create sizable obstructions in your drains.

Soap scum can accumulate in any drain in your house, creating an attractive environment for bacteria growth, mold, and mildew. While there are a variety of ways to reduce soap scum, including routine cleaning, and mesh traps, installing a water softener can help address the issue.


For clogged drains, call the professionals at Johnny's A-1 Sanitation, LLC in Trenton, OH. Since 1949, their knowledgeable team has provided a variety of high-quality septic services, including inspections, installations, drain cleaning, and more. Contact them today at (513) 988-5880 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about their services. 
