
When mold is found in a building, commercial blasting services and other mitigation measures can remove the contaminant and prevent it from spreading. However, the potentially hazardous fungal growth isn’t always visible to the naked eye. Fortunately, detecting this issue can be achieved without ripping out the walls. Instead, professional inspectors can scan surfaces for mold using infrared imaging. Use this brief guide to understand how infrared cameras detect mold and why you should consider this solution.

What Is Infrared Imaging?

Infrared cameras function similarly to standard digital cameras but are equipped with special sensors that can pick up on invisible heat radiation, also known as thermal energy. While the human eye can’t detect the wavelength this energy emits, it still produces a spectrum of light that corresponds to temperature.

For example, when a thermal imaging camera is pointed toward a wall and reveals a purple or blue hue, the surface is emitting a cooler temperature. Hotter spots will produce orange and red tones.

How Do Thermal Cameras Pinpoint Mold Growth?

commercial blasting servicesInfrared cameras don’t reveal specific areas of mold growth. Instead, they uncover the presence of moisture within interior walls and other surfaces. Since moisture is a requirement for mold growth, this identification can help inspectors narrow down the potentially contaminated areas.

As the water evaporates within the enclosed space, it will produce a cooling effect that can be identified with the thermal camera. It may also spot plumbing and roofing leaks that could contribute to mold development.

Why Is Mold Removal Important?

When you find mold, it’s critical to have the problem thoroughly remediated. Removal experts recommend getting rid of fungal growth with commercial blasting services to ensure the hazardous material doesn’t affect your health. You should also have any leaks repaired to prevent further water damage.

Although mold spores are typically harmless when found in nature, they can be particularly dangerous when present in an enclosed building. If people with mold allergies inhale the spores, they may experience a variety of adverse reactions, including breathing problems, skin irritation, and fatigue. Mold exposure can also exacerbate existing respiratory symptoms, such as asthma.


If mold is making your property unsafe, Dry Ice Blasting of Westchester will restore your building with confidence. Providing dry ice blasting services in Scarsdale, NY, and the surrounding areas, this team can quickly loosen fungal growths from surfaces using professional equipment and techniques. Compared to other commercial blasting services, this approach is recognized for creating no secondary waste, producing no toxic byproducts, and maintaining the integrity of the underlying material. To learn how this industrial cleaning method can restore all types of surfaces, visit this contractor online. Call (914) 216-1998 to request a free estimate.  
