
Pruning needs to be done at the right time to ensure your shrubs will not be susceptible to diseases, pests, or other threats. If you time it right, you can encourage your landscaping to thrive and keep it as beautiful as possible. Know the signs that it’s time to trim your shrubbery, based on the type of shrub it is.

When Should You Prune Shrubbery?

1. Spring Flowering

Shrubs that flower in the spring should be pruned in the late spring or early summer, after the blooms have come and gone. By cutting off the flower buds after they have finished blooming, you will ensure you get a maximum bloom because you’ll give the buds plenty of time to grow back before the next blooming season. Since it will still be growing in the summer, it will have a chance to recover from the pruning. Pruning exposes the center of the branch, so the shrub needs time to regrow the tough exterior before cold temperatures hit.

2. Summer Flowering

garden centerShrubs that flower in the summer can be pruned in the late winter. Wait until after the last frost of the season, since the cuts from the shears can leave the plant susceptible to freezing. The shrub will direct its effort for new growth in the pruned areas, allowing you to shape the shrub more easily.

Removing all the extra foliage will also allow more oxygen and light to reach the shrub so it can grow better. By doing this early in the year, the flower buds will have a chance to grow back during the spring before they bloom the following season.  

3. Evergreens

Most evergreens can be pruned in the early spring, just before they begin their new growth. If you want to prune again or wait six months, you can also prune in the midsummer when the heat has slowed down the growth cycle. You don’t want to interrupt the growing season of spring and early summer since doing so can make the plant sick or stunt its growth. 

For pines, wait until the new growth appears at the end of the branches in the spring—which is called a candle—and trim only the new growth by about a third of its length. Pines cannot spring new growth from a cut branch, so you must wait until the candles appear and trim them.


Lakeview Garden Center & Landscaping has everything you need for beautiful and healthy landscaping in the Cincinnati, OH, area. This full-service garden center carries gardening accessories and plants. Their knowledgeable staff can help you with planting and caring for your garden. Learn more on their website and call (513) 829-6624 for assistance.
