
A water heater is among the most vital appliances in the home. If yours no longer functions properly or requires frequent repairs, you might need a new water heater installation. In that case, you’ll need to decide between a traditional model or a tankless design. Here’s what you should know about the modern tankless alternative.

Your Tankless Water Heater Questions Answered

How does a tankless device work?

A standard heater features a tank that keeps the water hot constantly, even when it’s not needed. By contrast, tankless models heat the water on demand instead of storing it in the tank. When you turn on a faucet, the appliance automatically receives a signal to turn on and quickly heat the water.

What are its greatest advantages?    

Honolulu, HI water heater installationHomeowners may consider tankless water heater installation because of the energy savings it affords. Since it doesn’t heat water 24 hours a day, it doesn’t expend any energy until you open a faucet or use an appliance that requires hot water.

Greater energy efficiency also helps homeowners reduce their carbon footprint. Moreover, tankless models are sleeker and more compact, making them easier to install in tight spaces. They can even be suspended on the wall if necessary.

Are there any drawbacks?

Tankless water heater installation may cost more. However, most homeowners reap the benefits of energy savings in return.

It’s also important that homeowners select the right size product. Some are too small to provide hot water to the entire home. Compare sizes and select one that can accommodate your family’s needs.

Finally, you’ll need to make allowances for the product’s ventilation needs. A technician will need to install a sealed vent that belongs solely to the appliance.

What are its maintenance needs?

With regular maintenance, you can expect your tankless water heater to last for at least 20 years. Since many of its parts are easily replaced, you may get more usage out of it than you initially expected.

With no storage tank, there’s nothing to clean, but you still need to maintain the product periodically to prevent scale buildup due to hard water. A technician can remove the minerals to avoid any problems with the heating elements. It’s best to do this at least once a year.


Are you ready to switch to a tankless model? Call on the team at A-1 Budget Plumbing in Honolulu, HI, for water heater installation. Serving the Oahu community since 1986, these qualified professionals are proud to be among the largest non-union group of plumbers on the island. Plus, they’re available to help around the clock. Visit the website for more information about their services, or call (808) 526-3747 to schedule an appointment.
