
Your child’s dentist will help ensure their smile is developing as it should. Losing teeth is part of this process. While this is completely normal and expected, some parents aren’t sure how to handle the situation. Here’s more information about what to do so that you can help your child during this exciting milestone.

What Parents Should Know About Their Child’s First Loose Tooth

When do kids normally lose their first tooth?

The first tooth typically falls out at around 5- or 6-years old. It generally begins at the front, starting with the two bottom teeth and then the two opposite them on top. Next, the lateral incisors, front molars, canines, and back molars come out. This process occurs slowly over the years and ends around age 12.

What should I do when my child's tooth is loose?

Your little one may be eager to lose their tooth, but it should come out naturally. Pulling it too early can be painful and lead to infection. Tell your youngster that it’ll get looser over time until it falls out on its own.

Do they need to see a dentist for a loose tooth?

dentistThis is a natural change in your child’s mouth, so you don’t need to visit their dental care team. However, make an appointment if something seems unusual, like if the looseness is the result of an injury or if there’s redness and swelling around the tooth.

What should I do after it falls out?

Mild bleeding is common, so do your best to soothe your child if they’re alarmed. Make sure your little one doesn’t swallow blood by having them swish water gently to rinse it out. Give them a piece of gauze or a clean folded paper towel to place on the area and stem the bleeding.


If you have more questions on how to handle your child’s first loose tooth, turn to James Julien DDS, in Kenai, AK. This skilled dentist and his team will talk you through the process so that you know what to expect. They can also perform a professional exam before and after the tooth falls out to ensure everything is going as it should. For more information about their services, visit them online or call (907) 283-4857.
