
Cavities form when oral bacteria produce acid, which erodes a small hole into the enamel of a tooth. If left unchecked, these voids can make the tooth unstable, which is why dentists prescribe fillings. Here is a little more information about dental fillings, and what to expect the next time you need one. 

Understanding Dental Fillings

How a Tooth Is Prepared 

Before your dentist recommends getting a dental filling, the tooth will be carefully inspected. In addition to performing a physical inspection to check the color, size, and depth of the damaged enamel, your dentist may also order dental X-rays to see how deep the decay sits within the tooth. 

After it’s determined that a dental filling is necessary, your dentist will carefully numb the entire area around the tooth with a local anesthetic and nerve block. These medications will sit for a few minutes until the area is numb enough to ensure you stay completely comfortable throughout the procedure.  

What to Expect 

dentistAfter the tooth is numb, dentists gently remove decay and bacteria from within the cavity to pave the way for a filling. The area is irrigated, cleaned, and disinfected, and then the filling material is prepared. Most dentists use composite resin, or tooth-colored fillings, for most repairs. The filling material is mixed according to the shade of your tooth, and carefully piped into place. 

Your dentist will use a small, handheld UV light to cure the filling material on contact, and then the area around the repair will be polished to create a seamless look. After receiving a filling, the area around the repair may be numb or tender for a few hours. However, you should be able to eat and drink normally after the numbness wears off. 


Anytime you have questions or concerns about your smile, schedule an appointment with Diane M Evans DDS. For more than 23 years, this trusted family dentist has been committed to providing top-notch, comfortable dental care to patients of all ages, offering services such as preventative sealants, deep cleanings, teeth whitening, and even dental implants. To learn more about how she can help you to enjoy your best smile, visit her website or give her office a call at (585) 321-1460.
