
Tree trimming will keep the vegetation on your property healthy. A technician can remove dead or dying branches to prevent disease from spreading and give healthy limbs more access to air and sunlight, so they remain strong. In regard to property safety, regular tree trimming means there’s no fear of the canopy entangling power lines or weak branches falling during storms. How often trees are trimmed should be based on age and type, so use the following guidelines to determine when to schedule the service. 

Young Trees

Summerfield North Carolina tree-trimmingWhen a sapling is planted in the yard, monitor tree growth closely during the first year. Tree trimming should only occur when branches are broken or dead. That’s because supporting the weight of these limbs places strain on the surrounding branches. Planting causes stress, so wait until the second or third year when the tree has recovered to trim for aesthetic reasons. 

Mature Trees

Trim mature trees to shape or thin out the crown, curb disease, or increase property safety. Schedule tree trimming before the spring growing season. This will leave time for the wounds to heal before new leaves sprout. During spring, a tree uses a lot of energy to produce new growth. Trimming while the plant is in a weakened state will only cause more stress. As trimming creates large wounds in mature trees, have no more than 25 percent of the canopy removed at one time. 

Fruit Trees

To increase fruit yield during the growing season, trim fruit-producing trees during the dormant period. Dormant buds are located at the points on a branch where the fruit will grow. Removing the buds will help the growing fruit ripen faster. 


Evergreens retain their leaves year-round. To shape the canopy, schedule tree trimming in late winter before the plants produce spring growth. To stimulate buds to grow, schedule tree trimming in late spring or early summer. Call on a technician to remove dead or dying limbs any time during the year.


For tree trimming and additional maintenance, contact Arbor Masters Tree Service. For over 30 years, the Summerfield, NC-based crew has been providing commercial and residential tree services to keep clients’ plants in tip-top shape, while increasing the safety and curb appeal of their properties. See the work the team performs online and call (336) 643-9157 for a consultation in Guilford County. Become a Facebook follower to stay in the loop on company updates.
