
Septic systems treat and dispose of waste that’s flushed down a home’s drains and plumbing fixtures. Septic inspections are part of a thorough maintenance schedule, preventing and catching common issues. The guide below provides an overview of what to know about inspection services.

When to Schedule Septic Inspections

Schedule an inspection if you plan to purchase a new home that contains a septic system. Tank cracks are costly to repair, sometimes requiring full replacement, so it’s best to understand the condition of the unit before entering an agreement.

If you live in a home with a tank, inspections are recommended every three years to prevent overflow and catch malfunctions early on. Service is also helpful when you notice slow drains and foul odors coming from your plumbing system, as these are signs of potential septic failure or a full tank.

What to Expect From a Septic Inspection

septic-inspections-rochesterInspections can be purely visual or full-service. During a visual inspection, the technician flushes the toilets in the home and runs faucets and showerheads. They observe how the water drains to analyze the functionality of the septic system. If they notice slow draining or waste odors, they may open the tank cover and check the water level inside to see if the system needs to be pumped.

If there are puddles on the lawn, the technician may perform a dye test by flushing a colored tablet down a drain. If the dyed water ends up on the surface after a few days, they may recommend septic pumping.

Full inspections involve the steps mentioned above, plus comprehensive tank checks. After inspecting the water level in the tank, the professional may dig holes around the system to check for underground flooding. If they find any, the tank, drain field, or sewer lines may have leaks that require repairs.


If you’re overdue for a septic inspection or suspect there’s an issue with your system, contact Tri County Systems. Based in Rochester, NY, these technicians provide comprehensive service, including pumping and repairs for tanks and drain fields. Call (585) 467-2550 to schedule an inspection, or visit their website to learn more about their work.
