
Most new automobiles come with FOB keys that offer remote access. This feature makes it easier to open the trunk, which is a nice perk to have when your hands are full. If you have a FOB that is separate from your car keys, you can use it to open the side doors even when you misplace the keys or accidentally lock them in the vehicle. But like any battery-operated device, eventually, the FOB’s battery will run out.

Can You Tell If the Battery Is Weak?

In general, key batteries will eventually drain within three to four years. Once the battery starts to fail, you’ll notice that the key’s performance is inconsistent. A FOB key that’s in good working order can easily open the car doors from 20 yards away.

FOB keysIf you have to repeatedly click the button to get the car to lock and unlock, or the device stops working altogether, it’s time for a battery replacement. An unreliable FOB key can leave your car doors unlocked, making the vehicle more susceptible to theft, so don’t hesitate to replace the battery if you notice these signs.

How to Change the Battery

Here are the steps to changing a FOB key battery. 

  • Open the FOB: Inspect the FOB to locate the notch. It’s usually a tiny gap at the top or near the part where the emergency key pops out. Slide the end of a flat-tipped screwdriver into the notch to open the compartment. 

  • Replace the Battery: Using the screwdriver or your finger, slide the old battery out. Most keys use a 3-volt, coin-shaped, lithium-ion battery. Replace the old battery with a new one. 

  • Snap the FOB Shut: Close the unit and squeeze it shut. You’ll hear a click once the two components have locked back into place. 


If your FOB key still doesn’t work even after you change the battery, contact the experts at AAL Lock & Key Inc. This reliable locksmith has been offering smart keys, door lock repair, and key replacement to clients throughout Charlotte, NC, and surrounding counties since 1995. The company also offers 24/7 locksmith services, so you can rest assured that they will respond quickly when you need it. Call (704) 458-7097 or visit the website to see a full list of services.
