
Invisalign® is designed to straighten the position of your teeth for cosmetic purposes. Not only are the aligners transparent, but they are also easy to maintain. If you’re thinking about visiting an orthodontist for this solution, here’s some basic information to prepare you for an informed discussion.

Your Invisalign Questions Answered

What exactly is it?

Invisalign aligners are made from a material called SmartTrack®, which is designed to gently apply consistent force. In doing so, the aligners slowly adjust the position of the teeth to correct alignment. Patients switch to different products every 1 to 2 weeks to gradually adjust dental positioning.

What are the benefits?

Richmond, KY InvisalignSince aligners are removable, eating meals and brushing your teeth won’t require taking special steps. There’s no concern associated with food particles stuck around brackets; simply brush and floss your teeth as usual. Aligners are also easy to clean using cold water and a toothbrush.

Who is a good candidate?

An orthodontist ultimately makes the call, but both teenagers and adults can take advantage of this treatment when their teeth and gums are healthy. If any cavities or gum disease exist, the dentist must first address them before beginning cosmetic treatment.

How does the process work?

After the dentist treats any pre-existing concerns, they take X-rays and impressions of your mouth. They send these to the company that custom-makes the aligners to fit the dimensions and shapes of your teeth.

Once you get the aligners, your dentist will tell you to wear them for up to 22 hours every day. You must change the trays according to your treatment schedule. Treatments take at least six months to complete. After it concludes, you will likely need to wear a retainer overnight to maintain your new smile.


If you’re interested in Invisalign, contact the office of Mark Stephens DMD. Proudly serving patients throughout Richmond, KY, Dr. Stephens and his caring staff are committed to your oral health. They offer several orthodontic options to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Call (859) 626-0069 to schedule an appointment.
