
When you turn on a faucet in your home expecting to wash dishes or enjoy a hot shower, cold water flowing from the tap can be shocking. Likely, the problem can be traced back to a malfunctioning water heater. The guide below looks at some of the potential causes of this issue.

4 Causes of Low Hot Water

1. Sediment Buildup in the Tank

Over time, the minerals in your water supply accumulate at the bottom of the water heater tank. Without annual flushing to remove the sediment, it has time to harden and interfere with the burner, which is also found at the bottom of the appliance. Excessive debris can additionally make it challenging for water to leave the heater, which limits your hot water supply.

water heater2. High Hot Water Usage

Sometimes hot water runs out because too much has been used at once. For example, if you run the dishwasher, washing machine, and shower at the same time, the water heater may not be able to accommodate the demand, especially if it’s not correctly sized for your home. For example, if you live with one other person, a 30-gallon water heater will suffice. If four people reside in your home, a 40 to 50-gallon heater is best.

3. Leaks

If the hot water-providing appliance leaks, it cannot provide fixtures with what they need at given times. Sometimes the tank itself sustains a leak due to corrosion or other age-related damages. Other times, the joints connecting the tank to your plumbing pipes may be loose. Water leaks within the pipes can also limit the amount of hot water flowing from your faucets.

4. Lacking Pipe Insulation

If you live in Montana or another state subject to cold winters, your pipes may freeze, which can lead to leaks and problems supplying hot water. This also lowers energy efficiency and raises utility bills. Therefore, insulate your pipes ahead of cold weather. 


Solve your water heater issues with help from Wild West Plumbing, Heating & Drain Service. This family-owned plumbing company serves a 35-miles radius around Kalispell, MT, including Whitefish, Bigfork, Columbia Falls, and Lakeside. Call (406) 752-1244 today to make an appointment or visit the plumbers online to review their services further. Like the Facebook page for plumbing efficiency tips.
