
Toothaches can be distressing, sometimes causing pain that's serious enough to bring your day to a halt. Good oral hygiene goes a long way in preventing these aches from starting in the first place, but they can affect even those with excellent dental health. To avoid this issue in the future, learn more about the potential causes of your toothache below.

What Could Be Causing Your Toothache?

1. Gum Disease

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, covers a wide range of issues. This includes gingivitis, which is when the gums become swollen and painful and can recede, exposing the sensitive tooth root. Red, bleeding gums and toothaches often result from this inflammation. Never ignore these symptoms, as the condition can lead to irreversible damage to the teeth, gums, and jawbone. Instead, seek dental treatment as soon as you notice pain, swelling, or bleeding.

2. Improper Brushing or Flossing

oral hygieneThe most basic and essential parts of oral hygiene, brushing and flossing, are vital for removing daily buildup of bacteria and food particles. Left untended, these can cause infections and encourage the development of destructive organisms, resulting in disease and pain. However, it's also common for people to brush too firmly or apply too much pressure while flossing, which can wear down gum tissue and expose a tooth's surface. If you think this may be causing your discomfort, a dentist can help advise on the proper technique for gentle, effective oral hygiene.

3. Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the leading cause of toothaches, whether in the form of caries on the tooth surface or cavities inside. Often starting as a dull ache, the pain may come and go. If it's on a tooth farther inside the mouth, it can also be hard to detect visually. However, if the pain returns and becomes sharper, it may have reached the tooth's interior, requiring immediate attention to avoid lasting damage. Practicing good oral hygiene is the best way to prevent this issue, but remember that it can affect even diligent brushes and flossers.


If you have a toothache that requires professional attention, get in touch with Genovese Dental in Cottleville, MO. This caring team understands how distressing dental pain can be, which is why they’ll accommodate you as soon as possible. With 30 years’ experience, they offer individualized and affordable dental care in a comfortable environment. Call (636) 928-4090 to make an appointment today, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
