
Your air conditioning unit keeps you cool when the temperatures soar. However, if the unit is too cold, ice can form on its components despite the heat. This problem can indicate that there’s an internal issue preventing the system from working properly. If you notice ice on your HVAC system, you might have one of the following problems.

Restricted Airflow

When an air conditioning unit is working properly, warm air is drawn in and passes over the evaporator coils. These coils contain the refrigerant that cools the air. Typically, this liquid maintains a steady temperature between 10 and 20 degrees, and the warm air flowing over the coils keeps it from freezing over. 

When there isn’t enough air flowing over the components, they can freeze over. Ice can also form inside the coils as the temperature drops. Any humidity in the air will cause the ice to accumulate even faster as it condenses and solidifies on the evaporator. 

Restricted airflow within the unit can come from several causes. A dirty filter might be blocking the air and can be easily remedied by changing the screen and staying on top of maintenance. Blocked or dirty vents can also restrict airflow, so keep them clean and clear.

Dirty evaporator coils, damaged air ducts, and problems with the fan or blower can also lead to ice on your AC. If changing the filters or cleaning the vents doesn’t solve the problem, a professional inspection can help you determine the issue.

Leaking Refrigerant

air conditioing unitWhen your AC is running properly, the refrigerant maintains a steady pressure inside the coils. If the refrigerant levels drop due to a leak, the pressure also drops. This causes the temperature to plummet, eventually leading to ice buildup on the coils. 

The refrigerant shouldn’t deplete as the AC runs. Low refrigerant always indicates a leak. You might spot other signs, including higher energy bills, warm air coming from the vents, or a hissing or bubbling sound in the coolant lines.

If you suspect a leak, turn off the AC and call a professional for help. The substance is a toxic chemical and should only be handled by a certified expert. 


If you spot ice on your air conditioning unit, trust Ellsworth Home Services to help you solve the problem. This family-owned company provides quality residential HVAC services in Gilbert, AZ. They’re available for emergency calls as well as scheduled appointments, ensuring you stay cool and comfortable when you need it most. Call (480) 593-2265 to learn more, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
