
Skincare is easy enough when you’re young and your body has an easier time healing and producing collagen. As you get older, however, you may start thinking that it’s time for age spot treatments and a thorough anti-aging skincare routine. By putting in that extra effort, your skin will stay luminous and healthy for a long time. You just need to know when and how to get started.

What Age to Start

Around the age of 25, your body starts decreasing its production of collagen, a protein that supports your skin’s elasticity and ability to heal. By the time you reach your 30s, it’s a good idea to combat this process by starting an anti-aging skincare routine.

Your hygiene habits must evolve through the years to keep up with your changing needs. In your 40s, wrinkles will start becoming deeper and more obvious. Your skin will begin drying out in your 50s. It’s never too late to begin age spot treatments and a general anti-aging skincare routine, but it’s best to know what to use at each particular stage.

Types of Products to Use

age spot treatmentWhile it’s a good idea to talk with a dermatologist about your specific needs, some general advice is helpful to follow during each decade of your life. Consider these basic guidelines:

  • In your 30s: Incorporate more vitamin A into your routine via retinol, as it helps your skin stay healthy and hydrated. Increase your intake of vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and glycolic acids so that your skin heals better and makes more collagen. They’re all available as topical serums, but you can consume them through a variety of fruits and vegetables. Start using age spot treatments if you frequently spend time in the sun and be sure to exercise regularly. 
  • In your 40s: Increase moisture by adding emollient creams, anti-wrinkle creams, and antioxidant serums to your routine. Supplement this by enriching your diet with more antioxidants, encouraging healthy skin cell production. Green tea and dark chocolate are particularly tasty options. Regular Botox® or microdermabrasion treatments could also smooth out the wrinkles that are forming.
  • In your 50s and later: Without compromising or neglecting any part of your routine that you’ve developed so far, replace any harsh soaps you’ve been using with gentle, mild ones. This will help your skin stay hydrated and soft.

At all points in your life, wear sunscreen before going outside for long periods, especially during the summer. This will protect your skin from damage from wrinkles caused by UV rays.


To receive high-quality age spot treatments and professional advice on anti-aging skincare, go to Lauren A. Daman, MD, PC in Hartford, CT. As a passionate and knowledgeable dermatologist and skin surgeon, she directs her staff in using state-of-the-art technology and techniques to provide top-notch care for every patient. To find out how she can help you feel confident in your skin, call her office today at (860) 246-3533 or explore her website.