
Your hair is one of your defining features, so when it starts to thin or recede, it’s natural to look into solutions. One option is NeoGraft™ hair restoration, an advanced outpatient cosmetic surgery with FDA approval that provides permanent results. Below is a guide to how it works.

What Is NeoGraft?

NeoGraft adds automation into the follicle extracting procedure, an advanced hair loss treatment. Instead of the traditional method where the cosmetic surgeon manually removes the follicles, NeoGraft uses a wand that extracts them through pneumatic pressure with higher accuracy and speed.

The hair is harvested from a discreet area not prone to hair loss, such as the back of the head, and each follicle is meticulously implanted into the balding area. The process works for men and women and can be used to treat thinning hair, receding hairlines, and bald spots. However, it cannot treat hair loss caused by medications or stress.

What Are the Benefits?

hair restorationNeoGraft hair restoration offers permanent results, though a few treatments may be needed to achieve your desired outcome. It’s faster and more accurate than other methods. Since it uses your own hair, it looks natural and can be treated normally, whether you want to style or dye it.

Your cosmetic professional won’t use a scalpel, so there’s no scar. The one-day outpatient procedure only has a short recovery time of a few days. Local anesthesia is all that’s required to minimize discomfort. It may also be more affordable than other cosmetic surgery options.


Are you interested in NeoGraft hair restoration? Rely on the cosmetic team at The Ferguson Clinic in Honolulu. Their surgeon has over a decade of experience. Plus, they regularly run specials and deals and provide other cosmetic procedures like face-lifts and liposuction. Learn more about NeoGraft on their website, or call (808) 521-1999 to schedule a free consultation.
