
When children become teenagers, they assume greater independence over their everyday lives, including their dental care routine. While you can no longer dictate all of their dental decisions, you can still encourage healthy habits with these three tips.

How to Help Teens Practice Good Dental Care

1. Stock Up on Dental Care Supplies

Even if your teen understands the importance of daily brushing and flossing, they may forget to do it between all the other activities they have going on. Keep toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss in prominent parts of the bathroom as a reminder. For further encouragement, get simple, kid-friendly products, like plastic flossers and fruit-flavored toothpaste.

2. Avoid Buying Junk Food

dental careJunk foods, like candy and soda, increase the risk of cavities and other dental problems. Many teens are drawn to these snacks, so limit their intake by purchasing healthier alternatives, like fruits and vegetables. If junk food is not constantly available in the house, it will be less likely to become part of your teen’s daily diet.

3. Be Frank About Social Pressures

Teens often feel pressure to smoke and drink. Smoking puts your teen at risk for a variety of oral health issues, including bad breath, gum disease, tooth loss, and oral cancer. On the other hand, alcohol is acidic, and it will erode the protective enamel. Make sure your child understands these risks so that they make the right decisions. Similarly, they should know that oral piercings can lead to infection, swelling, and nerve damage.


If you are concerned about your teen’s oral health, turn to Dentaworks Hawaii in Honolulu. Dr. Douglas Chang, DDS, and his staff have provided comprehensive dental care services for over 30 years. From routine cleanings to teeth whitening and root canals, they offer a variety of treatments to keep your teen’s teeth in top-notch condition. Learn more about the practice online, or call (808) 528-1200 to schedule an appointment.
