
It’s the peak of summer, and your air conditioner is likely getting maximum usage. It’s not a great time to notice a puddle of water near your equipment. In addition to possible damage to the area around it, you may require AC repairs when you can least spare the comfort. There are a few reasons water leaks from a cooling system. Here’s a closer look at the most common.

Why Is Your AC Leaking?

1. Clogged Condensate Drain Line

Your air conditioner’s drain line is responsible for expelling the moisture it pulls from your home’s air for dehumidification purposes. If the condensate drain lines become clogged by dirt, debris, mold, or buildup, the water will become trapped and cause leaking. Annual cleaning of the drain line will help remove any backup and deter future buildups from developing.

2. Poor Installation Issues 

Your AC unit needs to be installed in a secure location with all the components properly in place. If your system is newer and you’re experiencing leakage, chances are the condensate trap is out of place or was installed incorrectly, which may prevent the water from properly draining and cause it to flow back onto your property. To fix this leak, the unit should be stabilized and the trap inspected to ensure it’s in the correct position.

3. Frozen Evaporator Coil

AC repairsThe evaporator coil holds the refrigerant that the blower fan uses to help keep your home cool. If this coil becomes frozen, it may leak because it’s not allowing the refrigerant to remove the heat from your home’s air. An AC repair technician will take care of this issue by changing a dirty air filter, adding more refrigerant to the unit, or repairing a coolant line.

4. Broken Drain Pump

Your AC’s drain pump is responsible for gathering excess water produced by condensation in the unit and pumping it out of the system. This type of issue causes a leak when the pump isn’t getting enough power or the condenser motor is flawed. A professional will need to check the connection and possibly replace the pump.


If you’re worried your air conditioner leak could indicate a larger problem, contact the professionals at Ogeechee Heating & Air in Claxton, GA. With more than 40 years of industry experience, this team provides the HVAC services you need to keep your home comfortable, from general maintenance to heating and AC repairs with a 100% money back guarantee. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (912) 739-4035​​​​​​​ today.
