
If you have an overbite, underbite, crowding, or gaps between your teeth, orthodontics will straighten your smile and help you bite down more comfortably. However, during the time that you have braces, avoid certain foods that could dislodge the brackets or get stuck between them, causing cavities. The guide below looks at some of the items you should abstain from.

3 Most Common Culprits for Broken Brackets

1. Sticky Snacks

Bubblegum, licorice, toffee, caramel, and beef jerky are sticky and require repetitive chewing. This may loosen the wires and bands of your braces, preventing them from having enough pressure to move your teeth into the proper position. 

2. Fibrous Meats & Veggies 

orthodonticsCertain meats and vegetables, such as steak and celery, have fibers that tend to get stuck in between brackets. Even with careful brushing and flossing, these food particles can remain lodged between your teeth and the braces, leading to cavities and gum disease. Therefore, discuss the practicality of these foods with your dentist. They may be able to suggest solutions—such as using a water flosser—that can still allow you to enjoy these meals.

3. Large Items 

Large foods that require you to bite directly into them, including apples, corn on the cob, and raw carrots, put stress on orthodontics and may pull or bend the wires and brackets. These foods tend to cause damage to braces that is expensive to repair and will delay your results.

Instead, cut your fruit into slices or enjoy your apples in applesauce. Cut corn off the cob before consuming. You can also try baked carrots, which can be salted similar to fries.

In addition to these foods, be sure to keep foreign objects, like pencils, forks, straws, and even fingers, away from your braces. But don’t be afraid to brush and floss with threaders! #LoveLifeSmiling

If you have braces and want to keep them clean and maintained, get in touch with Delgado Orthodontics. They provide cosmetic dentistry solutions to residents of North Richland Hills, TX. In addition to braces, they also offer Invisalign®—clear plastic trays that fit over teeth to straighten them. Not only are these less noticeable but they should be removed during mealtimes, which means you don’t have to refrain from certain foods. Call (817) 282-1821 to book an orthodontics consultation. Visit the website to learn more about the corrective solutions they offer to help you achieve a gorgeous smile. 
