
When you get water from the tap, it may not taste as pure or look as clear as bottled water from the grocery store. That’s because bottled water goes through additional filtering processes to weed out unwanted minerals and chemicals that can affect the taste and appearance. Luckily, you can install these water filters in your home, so you have around-the-clock access to crystal clear drinking water. Below are some of the most common models on the market today.

5 Common Water Filter Models

1. Mechanical

These filters involve fine mesh screens, which physically block unwanted particles while allowing water to pass through. While some mechanical filters are only fine enough to remove visible contaminants like sediment, finer versions can remove tiny organisms like giardia.

2. Ion Exchange

If you have hard water, or water rich in minerals like calcium and magnesium, this bead-filled filter will come in handy. It exchanges the charged “hard” mineral particles with sodium or hydrogen ions, which are much less noticeable to the tastebuds and don’t leave lasting stains. 

3. Reverse Osmosis

water filterThis water purification method sends water through a semipermeable membrane, which traps hard mineral ions while allowing the rest of the water to pass through. This filter is often prized for its energy efficiency, as it relies on natural water pressure instead of electricity.

4. Absorption

This form of water filtration relies on carbon, which is an incredibly porous mineral. These molecules are perfect for trapping contaminants that can alter the taste and safety of water, such as chlorine. Carbon filters can be fixed to individual faucets, or connected to the entire home’s water main.

5. Sequestration

In this water filter, polyphosphate filters are used to mitigate the concentration of hard minerals on a chemical level. These filters don’t get rid of calcium and magnesium all the way, but they prevent them from turning into hard and crusty deposits inside pipes, appliances, and plumbing fixtures. Therefore, they are often used in conjunction with other filter types.


If your drinking water could use a deep clean, turn to Affordable Water Treatment of Gig Harbor, WA. For over half a century, this company has offered top-quality filtration and purification services to area residents, and they’re proud to maintain an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau®. Whether your water tastes strange or you’ve found marks on your clean laundry, you can trust their personalized approach to resolve your water issues. Learn more about their water filter options on the website, or call (253) 858-7644 today.
