
Despite their importance, gutter systems are often out of sight and out of mind for the average homeowner. In fact, they may not be included on your household maintenance checklist at all. However, this drainage system requires consistent care to fulfill its role in protecting your property, especially the roof. Here’s why it’s crucial to clean the gutters.

How Gutters Prevent Roof Damage

Clogs will form when your gutters fill with leaves, twigs, and other natural debris. Since rain can’t drain into the downspouts, the water will rise in the gutters and eventually spill over the sides. This will cause rainwater to pool on the roof, seeping between shingles and forming leaks. In addition to water intrusion, this issue can lead to wood rot and corrosion.

roofClean your gutters regularly to ensure the water has a clear path to the downspout. This chore will also prevent the standing water’s weight from pulling at the gutters, which can tear the roof’s edges.

How to Clean the Gutters

Twice a year, carefully climb a ladder to inspect the gutter troughs. Your drainage system is most vulnerable in the autumn, when the leaves fall, as well as in the late spring, as trees shed their blooms.

Put on gloves and lay a tarp on the ground, so you can easily toss blockages below. Once you’ve removed the large solid debris, use a hose to wash away loose dirt and sediment. If there’s discoloration remaining, use dishwashing detergent and a scrub brush to make your drainage system sparkling clean.


If clogged gutters have led to roof damage, turn to the team at Action Roofing Services in Anchorage, AK. These professionals have provided homeowners with reliable roof repairs for over 35 years. They’re also familiar with maintaining a variety of roofing materials, including metal and asphalt shingles. Get more information about their services online, or call (907) 677-6969 to request a free estimate.
