
Septic tanks are touted as key home features in real estate listings, and for a good reason. They’re a valuable system to have, and if you’re purchasing your first home with one, you may want to learn more. You want to ensure you’re getting a tank that is in good shape and will fulfill your needs; the following answers to common questions can assist before you buy.

Your Guide to Home Septic Systems

How do they work?

Septic tanks are an alternative to municipal sewer systems. Rather than connecting to the sewer, your main plumbing line connects to a large above- or underground tank. There, waste is separated and treated by bacteria so that it can be safely ejected back into the soil and water supply in an area called the drain field.

What responsibilities come with these tanks?

septic tank forsythThe main responsibilities are that you are careful of what you flush down the drain, have the septic tank pumped as needed, and make sure you don’t damage it. This includes the drain field. Not pumping regularly will cause waste to spill back into your home or rise from your tank into your yard. Flushing the wrong items can cause clogs that burst pipes and disrupt waste treatment. Ask the current homeowner when the last pumping was and if there have been previous incidents with the tank.

Can a tank limit my plans for the home?

If you’re buying a home that you plan to add to, know that you’ll need to build around the septic tank. Building on top or driving over it and the drain field with heavy equipment can damage the tank and surrounding soil. You also won’t be able to install a swimming pool or other features nearby. Relocating a septic tank and drain field is difficult, so if they’re in the way of plans for the home, you may want to consider another property.

What should I do if a home has a compromised septic tank?

A damaged tank will need to be repaired or replaced right away so that home waste can be treated. If you’re buying a home with a damaged tank at a significant discount, make sure you know what you’ll need to spend once you’re the owner. The average tank costs between $2,000-$5,000. This doesn’t include removing the existing tank and trees or other obstacles that have damaged the plumbing line. Costs can add up quickly, so you’ll want to schedule a professional inspection to gauge the state of a faulty tank.


If you need a septic tank inspection, turn to S & S Pumping in Forsyth, MO. They’ve served residential and commercial clients for 16 years, taking care of grease trap cleaning, septic tank pumping and repairs, and septic installation. You can learn more about this company on their website or call (417) 546-2390 to speak with a representative.
