
Since pools often remain uncovered, it’s not always possible to control what falls into them. While that typically means only leaves and plant debris, animals can sometimes enter the water and drown. With the proper knowledge, you can quickly address the situation and swim again soon. Here’s a guide to dealing with unexpected critters in the water. 

Are There Health Concerns?

Birds often fall into the water while attempting to drink. In most cases, there is a minimal health risk since many of the diseases they carry don’t spread to humans. Removing the animal and scheduling a thorough chemical cleanse makes the water safe for swimming again.

Raccoons are notable exceptions, as they’re sometimes infected by the Baylisascaris worm. While human transmission is uncommon, someone can contract a disease that targets the nervous system if they ingest water that contains eggs from those worms. These parasites are resistant to chlorine, so they require a different cleaning procedure (which can be found here).

What Do You Do After Finding a Pest in the Pool?

poolOnce you notice the critter, avoid entering the water. Put on a pair of gloves and use a net to gather the animal. Place it into a sealed bag and a garbage can to contain any odors. Afterward, remove the gloves and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water.

Now that the water is clear, you need to disinfect it to remove any contaminants. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends adjusting the chlorine concentration to 2 parts per million (ppm), the pH levels to 7.5 or less, and the temperature to 77°F for 30 minutes. During that time, place the net in the pool so it can be disinfected as well. Check that the filtration system doesn’t have accumulated debris once the water is disinfected. 


For assistance disinfecting a pool, reach out to the trusted contractors of Distinctive Swimming Pools in Washington Depot, CT. The family-owned and -operated company has helped local residents maintain safe and clean swimming pools for over 75 years. They even hold memberships with renowned organizations, such as the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals (APSP) and the National Plasterers Council (NPC). Learn more about the company by visiting their website, or call (860) 868-3622 to set up an appointment.
