
While summer brings the joy of sunshine, it can also make the interior of your home a lot warmer than normal. However, by applying a few techniques, there are ways to keep your home cooler and reduce your HVAC bills in the process. Here’s a guide to how you can save on energy costs this summer.

How to Shrink Your HVAC Bills This Summer

1. Fill Leaks

Air leaks develop around window frames and door frames over time. These gaps allow cool air to escape your home, causing your HVAC unit to work overtime to compensate. Have a handyman inspect these areas and fill them in with caulk or have them realigned. After the holes are sealed, the air conditioner won’t kick on as often, and the less frequent usage will be reflected in your utility bills.

2. Turn Off Some Lights

Sunshine is plentiful during the summer, and your home will be exposed to more natural light. Open your blinds to allow more light in so you don’t have to rely on your electric lights as much. On a cloudless day, the sunlight may even be enough to light several rooms all day long.

3. Draw the Blinds

HVACReceiving sunlight is not always useful, of course, since it brings extra heat inside. Rising temperatures mean your air conditioner will have to strain to work harder, sending your bills higher. Drawing the blinds on especially hot days will block some excess heat, keeping your home cooler and reducing reliance on your HVAC system. 

4. Turn on the Fan

When your fan is running, it can make room temperatures seem up to 4 degrees cooler. That means you can turn down your air conditioner, which requires substantially more energy to run. Running your fans will keep you comfortable while allowing you to save money. 


If you need help optimizing your HVAC system for the summer, contact the top specialists at Disponette Service Co., Inc., in Lexington, KY. These HVAC and plumbing contractors have been serving the community for over four decades. The family-owned company is fully licensed, bonded, and insured, and has earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau®. They also provide 24/7 emergency service. Make an appointment by calling (859) 255-7157. Learn more about their full ranges of services online
