
Trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape and provide shade to your yard. Unfortunately, they can get sick, and knowing how to spot diseases is a vital step in tree care. Here are some illnesses and what a tree trimming company can do to help.

What Are Some Common Tree Diseases?

1. Thousand Canker Disease

This disease usually affects walnut trees. Walnut twig beetles carry a fungus that attacks the innermost part of the bark called the phloem. Small cankers develop as the beetles burrow deeper, which then deprives the tree of necessary nutrients.

Over time, the vascular system suffers and the tree declines, leading to eventual death within a few years. The best solution is to remove infected trees before the illness spreads.

2. Dutch Elm Disease

This illness is spread by bark beetles. The deadly disease moves quickly from sick to healthy arbors. Symptoms include yellowing or wilting leaves that eventually turn brown and curl as the branch begins to die.

The best ways to stop it from spreading are tree removal and stumping grinding. A fungicide injection can shield trees for two to three years. When the fungicide is coupled with regular tree care, the infection can be curbed.

3. Rusts

tree careDiseases like cedar rusts usually appear as orange or rust-colored spots on foliage. There may also be twig cankers.

Ash rust is another type of fungal infection that typically leads to foliage falling off prematurely. Rusts are not always a death sentence. Usually, a fungicide will help manage the spread of the disease, and tree trimming may save the tree.

4. Mildew

Fungus is behind powdery mildew that can form on trees. Leaves, flowers, shoots, and more are affected, especially young tissue. When infected, the foliage will dry out, turn brown, and fall off. Foliage may also grow twisted and deformed.

Flowering trees like rose varieties are particularly vulnerable, and fungicide can keep them safe. Avoid planting susceptible species in shady areas where spores thrive, and stay away from overcrowding to stop the spread.

5. Oak Wilt

Oak wilt is spread by infected beetles. The earliest signs of an issue are wilting leaves and discoloration. Veins will turn yellow and brown before leaves fall off prematurely.

Certain oaks fare better than others. White oaks may be treated and saved, but red oaks cannot. Fungicide during the growing season may protect your arbors.


If the trees on your property are diseased, Brongo’s Tree Service in Rochester, NY, can help. The company offers 24-hour tree care services to ensure your landscaping is safe and beautiful all year long. Whether you need stump grinding or tree trimming, their trained staff use top-notch equipment to ensure efficient solutions. They also provide lot clearing. Call (585) 426-8733 for an appointment or visit their website to view a gallery of their work.
