
If you’re seeking ways to upgrade your home, a simple but powerful enhancement is updating your home’s plumbing fixtures. Transitioning to low-flow fixtures will naturally help you reduce water consumption, which is important considering the average individual uses nearly 90 gallons per day. Discover some of the most compelling benefits of swapping out your fixtures.

3 Benefits of Low-Flow Plumbing Installations

1. Versatility

Although advancements have enabled new features, most homes still have original plumbing. Fortunately, you don’t need to have all your piping redone to enjoy the benefits of new fixtures. Most can be retrofitted to connect with the systems you already have in place. They also come in a variety of finishes to keep the overall look of your kitchen, bathroom, and other key spaces if you prefer. For instance, you can stick with classic polished nickel, chrome, or stainless steel for your faucet, or give it a modern twist by choosing a finish like bronze or matte black.

2. Improved Features

plumbingModern fixtures have added capabilities and improved performance standards. For instance, new smart faucets have features like touchless activation and temperature control. Dual-flush toilets offer different options for flushing, and modern showerheads have several spray settings to suit each family member’s unique preferences. Thanks to new technology and advanced manufacturing practices, many of today’s low-flow fixtures perform better than ever.

3. Efficiency

Of course, the standout benefit of low-flow features is their efficiency. To qualify for the WaterSense® label from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), products must meet strict specifications for water efficiency. Choosing EPA-certified fixtures can help you drastically reduce water consumption, which is especially advantageous if you pay for your water. On average, homeowners can save up to $380 per year by retrofitting their plumbing.


Whether you’re looking to upgrade your plumbing fixtures or have an issue that calls for repairs, Holler Drilling & Plumbing is your source for top-notch service. These professionals have been serving La Crosse County, WI, for more than four decades, including residential, business, and farm properties. They specialize in traditional plumbing, septic systems, and drilling. Find out more about their services online or discuss your needs with a team member by calling (608) 781-2342.
