
When most people think of proper dental care, they think of brushing their teeth and flossing. However, a balanced diet is just as important to maintaining healthy teeth. Eating the wrong foods can wear the enamel and cause cavities. Fortunately, you can avoid these issues by ensuring your diet is full of foods that will support your smile. Here is what you should be eating.

What to Eat to Take Care of Your Smile

1. Fish

Teeth need to absorb calcium to maintain their strength, and to do that, your body needs plenty of vitamin D. Eat fatty fish, like salmon, tuna, and trout, to get a healthy dose of this vitamin. Your body will use the nutrients to hold calcium, which will fortify your teeth.

2. Yogurt

dental careYogurt is high in calcium, and it also provides the body with probiotics. These live microorganisms restore the balance of good bacteria in the mouth to counteract the unhealthy bacteria that cause gum disease and cavities. Choose a plain yogurt without added sugar, and add fresh fruit if you want a touch of sweetness.

3. Cheese

This dairy product is packed with the calcium your teeth need to stay strong and avoid chipping. Cheese is also an efficient saliva maker, and the increased production will remove harmful residual foods and acids from teeth. Food particles fuel bacteria, which produce acids that erode the protective enamel and cause decay.

4. Sugar-Free Gum

Chew on gum between meals to keep your saliva production going and remove food residue. Always opt for sugar-free varieties, as they will not leave additional sugars in your mouth, which will feed cavity-causing bacteria.


If you want professional help maintaining a healthy smile, turn to Dentaworks Hawaii in Honolulu. These experienced professionals have offered a variety of dental care services for over 30 years, including providing advice on how to manage your oral hygiene. Visit them online for more information about how they can help, or call (808) 528-1200 to schedule a dental care appointment.