
Although discrimination is illegal, it still happens in the workplace, and many employees seek the help of an attorney to rectify the issue. Discrimination can manifest differently depending on the situation; someone may hold your race, gender, religion, or age against you. Here are a few common forms of discrimination in the workplace.

3 Signs of Discrimination

1. Denied Promotions

You may have experienced discrimination if you applied for a promotion, but the position goes to someone with less education and fewer credentials and experience. Since the decision is left to the employer, it can be challenging to know if discrimination is the reason you weren’t granted the promotion. You can ask the employer why you weren’t selected and what will help to position yourself for the next opportunity. If the answer doesn’t sound plausible, contact the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for guidance.    

2. Unjust Firing

attorneys If your employer starts giving you more difficult assignments, shorter deadlines, becomes more critical of your work or fires you after you announce a pregnancy or apply for maternity leave, you may be experiencing discrimination because of pregnancy and childbirth. Your rights include those under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor, To learn more about your rights and asset them, it is wise to discuss your situation with a lawyer.

3. Lack of Diversity

A business may discriminate in its hiring practices; as a result, the staff will be predominately one race, nationality, or religion. Once hired, minorities and women may leave a company quickly, which contributes to a lack of diversity. A high turnover rate may signal workplace discrimination in wages and hours, or indicate favoritism and harassment. Across all groups, the top reason for employee turnover is unfair treatment. If you suspect lack of diversity is due to discrimination, keep a detailed journal or log of each incident you observe. Talk to former employees about their experiences, and consult an attorney.       


If you’ve been discriminated against in your workplace, turn to Burglin & Doxey, PC, in Fairbanks, AK. After the attorneys listen to what happened, they’ll assess whether you’ve experienced discrimination and what your next steps are. Your case will be discussed in a one-on-one setting, ensuring your privacy and discretion. Visit their website to get more information about how they can help, call (907) 456-4020 to schedule a consultation with an attorney.

This article is for discussion purposes only. If you’re seeking legal advice, contact Burglin & Doxey.
