
Seeing a fertility doctor is a significant step toward increasing your chance of conception. There will be a lot of information to gather at the first appointment, so jotting down a list of questions will help you stay on track. Below are a few questions you should ask while at the fertility clinic.

What You Should Ask Your Fertility Doctor

What tests do you recommend?

Your specialist can’t offer treatments until they understand what’s going on in your body. There are tests for both partners in the relationship to undergo to determine the cause of infertility. For example, conditions like endometriosis, diabetes, and reproductive disorders can contribute to infertility.

The doctor may offer to conduct a sperm analysis to determine viability, blood testing to check hormones, imaging to determine the health of reproductive organs, or a urine test to detect ovulation. Knowing what tests are recommended will help you determine which to undergo and what to expect from the process.

Is my lifestyle affecting my fertility?

fertility doctorYour lifestyle can impact your fertility. Unhealthy eating, inactivity, substance and tobacco use, and contact with endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in cleaners and pesticides may contribute to disruptions in your body, making conception more difficult. When your doctor tells you what changes to make, you can start working to improve your chances right away. 

Which infertility treatment options do you provide?

You want a fertility clinic that offers several infertility treatments, such as egg freezing, intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization, or hormone therapy. At the first appointment, you won’t know which option you’ll need because the tests won’t be done yet. Choosing a clinic with multiple options increases the chance that they can help you, instead of having to be referred elsewhere. You can also get an overview of your options.

What are the chances of conception?

You should know what your chances of conception are with each treatment. If you’ve already had previous tests done, have pre-existing conditions that affect your fertility, or are inquiring about a specific procedure, the doctor may be able to give a rough estimate of your chances. This will help moderate your expectations when deciding how to proceed.


Do you need an experienced fertility doctor to perform a consultation or testing? Since 1985, Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute in Honolulu has helped start families through treatments like IVF, egg freezing, embryo freezing, donor procedures, and surrogacy. They’re open seven days a week and offer free IVF seminars throughout the year. Learn more about their services online, and call (808) 946-2226 to schedule a consultation. 
