
Although many homeowners have septic systems, they usually don’t know all the components that make their wastewater disposal system run effectively. Knowing these parts can help you understand when to seek septic tank service. Here are some of the most important parts of your septic system.

The Anatomy of a Septic System

1. Septic Tank

The tank of your septic system contains the wastewater you use when you flush the toilet, shower, or wash your hands. Solid waste sinks to the bottom of the tank while the water remains on the top. Bacteria in the tank break down the solids into gas and liquids. The liquids from your tank are sent to your system’s leach field.

Sometimes your septic tank might become damaged from tree roots or other leaks. This requires calling a septic tank service provider. In addition, avoid flushing anything other than bodily waste and toilet paper. Inorganic materials can’t be broken down by the bacteria in your tank, which can lead to clogs. This will mean that your septic tank needs to be pumped more often.

2. Leach Field

septic tank serviceThe leach field, sometimes called the drain field, treats your wastewater using natural soil. Harmful bacteria, viruses, and nutrients are filtered out of the water when it percolates in the soil. Water is pushed into the leach field every time new water enters the tank. 

If the drain field becomes saturated with too much liquid, it can flood. This may result in a sewage smell in your yard or waste backing up into your pipes. Make sure you call a septic tank service right away to inspect your leach field for issues if this occurs.

3. Access Points

Each septic system has a manhole-sized cover and at least one smaller inspection port. These are used by septic tank service providers to ensure that your tank is functioning correctly. The large access point is also where your tank will be pumped. Many older tanks have their lids buried a few feet underground, making them harder and more expensive to access. However, newer tanks have risers, which bring the cover to ground level. 

Occasionally septic tank covers are hard to open and can break when a pumping crew tries accessing it. However, most companies bring spare lids with them to install if this becomes an issue.


A & J Nichols Septic Tank Co. is a well-known and respected septic service company in Byhalia, MS. They’ve been serving customers located all around Marshall County for over 50 years. They offer pumping, repairs, inspections, care, and 24-hour emergency service. Visit their website or call (662) 838-2945 to speak with a professional about your septic tank service needs.
