
Warped sashes, corroded gaskets, and other types of window damage can cause moisture problems and drafts inside a house. Although repairs can fix some concerns, there are instances when window replacement is the best solution. The guide below provides an overview of when fixtures are salvageable.

When to Have Windows Repaired

If you see a chip or crack in single-pane glass, a technician can often apply an epoxy solution to seal the fissure. Professionals also address crumbling muntins and mullions with repairs.

To repair cracked sash windows, a specialist may also simply replace the glass and keep the frame intact. If a sash won’t move, it could be out of alignment due to broken weight cords. A technician will replace the damaged cords to restore proper balance. 

When to Schedule Window Replacement

Elk-River-Minnesota-window-replacementHigher energy costs could be a sign that it’s time to replace your windows. Wooden frames, for instance, are prone to cracking with age. Outside air enters through gaps, forcing HVAC equipment to work harder and drain more energy. Wooden frames last up to 20 years. As structural integrity continues to reduce after this point, replacing older installations is the best solution. 

Water droplets on double- or triple-pane fixtures typically warrant window replacement, too. If the outside of the glass is dry, the moisture has gotten between the panes, diminishing the insulating capabilities of the filler gas. The accumulated condensation could even cause components of the window frame to rot, warp, and corrode. Since the panes are sealed together, there’s no way to remedy the problem without window replacement.    


Whether storm damage or old age compromised your fixtures, the professionals at Purpose Driven Restoration & Remodeling in Elk River, MN, will provide window replacement. Since 2009, these licensed and insured home improvement contractors have outfitted homes in the metropolitan area of Minneapolis with energy-efficient windows. They carry products from top brands in a wide range of styles, colors, finishes, and materials. Learn more about their work with windows online, or call (877) 725-4737 for a free estimate. Follow updates on their Facebook page.
