
From the venue and the flowers to the clothes and the food, everyone wants their wedding to be a unique and perfect day. The joy you feel will be forever captured in the pictures everyone will take. Make sure your smile reflects that feeling by making an appointment with your dentist before the big day. 

What Are Pre-Wedding Dental Care Options?

1. Crowns

Decaying, broken, and worn down teeth can be covered by crowns, solving alignment issues and jaw pain. 

Impressions of the teeth are taken, and crowns are developed to match their shape and color. Dental cement or glue will be used to ensure a tight yet seamless fit.

Since creating the crowns can take time, start the process two to three months before the wedding. 

2. Veneers 

DentistVeneers are a solution for those with cracked, discolored, misshapen, or gaps between teeth. While the procedure is painless, it will require several visits to the dentist three to four months before the wedding. 

Veneers are thin tooth-colored shells made of porcelain or resin. Dentists trim the surface enamel of the teeth equal to the size of the veneers. Then, they’ll take an impression of the teeth and send them to a lab for construction. After a few weeks, the custom veneers will be ready. 

Once they confirm the veneers fit, dentists clean, etch, and polish the teeth, roughening them, and making the bonding process stronger. A dental cement matched to the color of the veneers will be placed on the teeth to ensure the bonding. Your dentist will then focus a UV light on the teeth to harden the cement faster. 

3. Whitening 

Teeth whitening is a highly requested yet simple procedure done before weddings. During the process, a rubber covering is placed over the gums, so they’re not exposed to the whitening agent. Dentists will remove any plaque from the teeth and then coat them with the whitening solution, using either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. The solution will be reapplied several times, and a UV light might be used to activate the peroxide. Once completed, avoid food and beverages that can cause pigmentation and tobacco products for at least 24 hours.

Schedule a teeth whitening procedure four to six weeks before the wedding. Teeth can feel sensitive after the process and will need a week to heal. The full effects of the whitening take a week or two to completely develop. 


Whether it’s a private grin shared with your new spouse or for the pictures taken with loved ones, your smile will tell the story of your wedding. To ensure it’s perfect, reach out to S. Jill Spurlin, DMD in Enterprise, AL. Practicing since 1994, this dentist has treated her patients with diligence and compassion. From cosmetic to restorative services, Dr. Spurlin’s goal is for all of her patients to have confident smiles. For more information on her practice, visit her website or call (334) 475-2624. 
