
You may think that video games are a pastime reserved for teenagers and millennials, but many older folks enjoy gaming just as much, if not more, than younger people. In fact, an AARP study found that more than 10 million Americans over age 50 are active gamers. These games can improve your senior living in many ways, including the following.

How Do Video Games Benefit Seniors?

1. Improve Emotional Health

Growing older may come with health challenges, limited mobility, and moves to senior living facilities, which can affect your emotional well-being. However, seniors who play video games—even only occasionally—report feeling happier, healthier, and more connected to their peers. Video games also stimulate the reward centers in the brain, which makes you more receptive to change.

2. Increase Balance & Speed

senior livingFalling is a genuine concern for aging individuals, as one's sense of balance tends to decline. Video games increase balance and coordination, and the fast decision-making needed for gaming improves reflexes. This enhanced physical performance can also speed up your natural walking pace, resulting in better, more beneficial exercise whenever you walk.

3. Reverse Cognitive Decline

Video games can strengthen neural pathways, enhancing the brain's regions responsible for attention and visuospatial skills, which can contribute to a reverse in cognitive decline. One study found that older folks who played a multitasking video game for 12 hours over the course of a month improved their skills to the extent that they beat 20-year-olds playing the game for the first time.


If you’re looking for a senior living community where you can connect with other adults—gamers or not—contact Cathedral Towers in Atlanta, GA. They offer senior apartments, a secure property, and a friendly, caring, and attentive staff. Their services are designed to support older individuals by maintaining independent living in a safe and comfortable environment. Call (404) 231-3020 to schedule a tour of their senior living community today, or visit them online to learn more about their offerings.
