
If you're planning to schedule a wisdom tooth extraction soon, you must know how to prepare for the surgery and what comes after. To ensure you're ready, review the following tips for before and after the procedure.


Ask for a Ride

Wisdom tooth extraction is an outpatient procedure, which means you'll be able to go home after the surgery. However, you'll most likely be receiving anesthesia, which can slow down comprehension skills and physical reflexes and impair judgment. Since it won't be safe to drive immediately after, ask a friend or family member to take you to the appointment and back home.

Restrict Your Eating & Drinking

tooth extractionSince you'll be going under anesthesia, you'll have eating and drinking guidelines to follow before your procedure. For example, your dentist will likely ask you to stop eating solid foods eight to 12 hours before the procedure and stick to clear liquids. Additionally, if you take any prescription or over-the-counter medications, such as blood thinners, ask your dentist if it's safe to take them before the surgery.


Reduce Swelling & Pain

After the surgery, routinely replace the gauze in your mouth until the bleeding has entirely stopped. Since there might be a fair amount of swelling and bruising, switch out your ice packs regularly as well, and take your pain medication as prescribed. However, keep in mind that leaving ice on for too long can have adverse effects, so put a towel around the pack and give yourself 10-minute breaks after 10 minutes of icing.


Give your body time to rest for the next couple of days so your mouth can heal fully. Be careful of brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth for at least the first day, as this can dislodge the stitches. Also, stick to soft, warm foods for the next week, such as soup, mashed potatoes, smoothies, and yogurt.


If you’re interested in learning more about your upcoming wisdom tooth extraction, contact Lake Country Dental Care in Milledgeville, GA. This dental office has been serving patients throughout Eaton, Sparta, Greensboro, Sandersville, and all of Baldwin County for more than 40 years, providing compassionate care and employing cutting-edge techniques to give patients the most efficient and comfortable experiences possible. From basic cleanings to oral surgeries, fillings, bridges, and teeth whitening, they can handle all your oral health needs. Visit the dentist’s website to see a full list of their services, and call (478) 3768 to make an appointment.
