
Technology has revolutionized dentistry, providing dentists with innovative ways to offer exceptional treatment with enhanced safety, effectiveness, and comfort. One of the latest developments is laser dentistry. If you’ve never heard of this technique, the guide below should help you grow familiar with the basics. 

What to Know About Laser Dentistry 

How does it work?

Laser (light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation) dentistry is a noninvasive alternative to using drills and scalpels. With this method, the dentist accesses oral structures and tissues with a beam of light. The light allows the dentist to remove and shape soft tissue during a range of procedures.

When is it used?

laser dentistryDentists use lasers to remove decay caused by cavities. They may also use them to affix veneers and activate chemicals during teeth whitening.

Lasers also reshape gum tissue, preparing patients for tooth extraction and combating gum recession from periodontitis. They’re also helpful when treating ankyloglossia, an abnormality of the tongue that causes speech impediments in children. 

Who is a candidate?

When used by a trained dentist, lasers are very safe for patients of all ages. Laser dentistry is often preferred by patients who fear discomfort caused by oral procedures. It’s also a safe option for those who can’t undergo anesthesia due to health conditions. 

What are the benefits?

Lasers produce no vibrations or pressure, so they’re highly comfortable for patients. The technology also reduces or eliminates the need for local anesthetics and pain medication during recovery.

Furthermore, since no cuts are made, there’s a reduced risk of bleeding and swelling after the procedure. As a result, recovery is often quicker. 


If you’re interested in learning more about laser dentistry, turn to Four Corners Dental Group. With offices in Wasilla and Anchorage, AK, this family dentist is known throughout Anchorage County for their compassionate touch and state-of-the-art facilities. They use lasers for a range of general and cosmetic dentistry procedures. Visit their website to learn more about available treatments. Call (907) 258-3384 for an appointment in Anchorage, and (907) 376-2790 for an appointment in Wasilla.
