
Discovering that someone close to you is in an abusive relationship is a difficult situation to navigate. You want to be supportive without crossing any boundaries or making the situation worse. Despite how challenging this may be, showing your concern may be enough to put them on the right path toward breaking free, seeking legal aid, and creating a healthier future for themselves. Here are a few tips for helping a friend who’s experiencing domestic violence.

How to Support a Loved One in an Abusive Relationship

1. Take the Time to Listen

Whether you decide to bring it up or your friend chooses to confide in you on their own, it’s best to simply listen to what they have to say with an open mind. Letting them talk through their fears and feelings will allow them to cope with what they’re going through and determine how they wish to deal with it. This may be a confusing situation for them. Let your friend know you believe what they’re telling you and you’re there to help in any way you can.

2. Communicate With Caution

legal aidWhile your instinct may be to want to fix the situation, keep in mind that only your friend can decide when it’s time to move forward. Refrain from telling them what they should do or trying to force them to leave. You may lose their confidence and leave them feeling isolated again.

Instead, support your friend by maintaining an encouraging tone and reassuring them the abuse is not their fault. Let them know it’s normal to feel a wide range of emotions, and help them feel empowered to make their own decisions.

3. Offer Solutions

Research the different options available to those in domestic violence relationships. Then offer these resources to your friend, which can include abuse support groups, shelters, therapists, legal aid, or the National Domestic Violence Hotline. This can help them take the next steps necessary to protect themselves. If they want to leave their partner, help them create a plan to get out of the dangerous situation.


If your friend is ready to take action against their abuser, The Law Offices of Edward J.S.F. Smith are here to help. The Honolulu-based firm provides residents across Hawaii with effective legal aid. Backed by more than 15 years of experience, they understand the complex and sensitive nature of domestic violence cases and have helped many clients safely transition out of abusive situations. Call (808) 523-6936 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online for more information on the types of legal aid they offer.
