
Wisdom teeth are molars that typically develop in early adulthood. Located at the back of the jaw, they sometimes don’t grow in properly because the mouth doesn’t have enough room to accommodate them. In this situation, dentists often recommend extraction to prevent problems with oral hygiene. The guide below explains why this is a required procedure for many people.

The Consequences of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth become impacted when they’re misaligned and unable to fully break through the gums. As a result, you can’t properly clean the tooth, making it more susceptible to decay and infection. Some teeth stay beneath the surface of the gums, while others have sufficient room to partially break through.

Over time, these extra molars can cause crowding along the jaw, forcing other teeth out of place and making crowded areas more difficult to brush and floss. This increases the risk of widespread cavities, gum disease, and oral infections.

How to Know If Your Wisdom Teeth May be Impacted

wisdom teethSome people do not experience symptoms, while others notice pain toward the back of the jaw. The surrounding gums may also become sensitive or swollen, bleeding when you brush. In some cases, the discomfort can make chewing difficult.

Since signs vary from case to case, young adults and teenagers must schedule regular dental checkups. A dentist takes X-rays during each appointment to understand whether the patient has wisdom teeth and if they’re growing in a proper direction. The dentist then determines if the teeth are impacted and need to be removed to prevent complications.


If it’s time to have your wisdom teeth extracted, turn to Mark Stephens, DMD in Richmond, KY. This family dentistry practice offers gentle dental care for people of all ages. The friendly, outgoing team works hard to make the experience as comfortable and pleasant as possible. Visit their website to learn more about their work, or call (859) 626-0069 to schedule an appointment.
