
An asphalt overlay is a cost-effective service that addresses common issues with commercial paving. During the process, contractors remove the top layer of the damaged asphalt and apply a few inches of new material to cover the surface. Contractors consider these factors to determine whether an overlay is the ideal solution for your situation.

What Makes a Lot a Good Candidate for an Asphalt Overlay?

1. Minor Damage

Potholes and deep cracks are often signs of structural damage to the underlayment, which cannot be addressed through resurfacing. In these instances, you may need to schedule pavement removal and reinstallation to prevent problems from recurring.

However, shallow fissures and color fading can be fixed with a new overlay, prolonging the surface’s life span and making it look new once again.

2. Large Square Footage

commercial pavingBefore an overlay, professionals must prepare the area through milling, meaning they grind the surface to expose the sublayer. Since overlaid pavement doesn’t last as long as new installations, the combination of these services may not be worth the investment on a smaller lot.

The more square footage the affected areas has, the more cost-effective an overlay will be since the cost of complete repaving is higher.

3. Uneven Surface

The spots where vehicle wheels typically travel tend to wear down more quickly. Indents from tire tracks can be unattractive and create water pooling, which leads to cracking over time.

An overlay levels out uneven surfaces to prevent moisture problems. It also helps prevent vehicle damage, protecting you from liability if drivers experience issues.


If your asphalt surfaces need repairs, reach out to Grey-Ruso Construction. Based in Queens, this family-owned and -operated paving contractor brings more than 35 years of commercial paving experience to all five boroughs of New York. Their skilled team will determine whether an overlay or full replacement is more cost-effective for your property. See their full list of commercial paving services online, and call (718) 358-1836 for a free estimate.
