
Starting a business can be a challenging and rewarding endeavor. However, when you’re starting out, you’ll probably have to share office space with other businesses to keep your overhead costs down. That can create some unique security risks that you’ll need to address. The guide below explains how you can tailor your commercial security system to a shared workspace.

What Security Challenges Do Shared Offices Pose?

While the company that owns the building you’re leasing with other businesses probably has some security measures in place, they may be inadequate if your company works with sensitive data. Before you sign a lease, make sure that your security needs are clearly communicated with the building manager. If you’re already locked into a lease agreement but find that the current security measures aren’t sufficient, you’ll have to find other ways to keep your company secure.

One common issue for shared workspaces is controlling access—who’s coming in and out. If other companies have lax sign-in policies, it could allow unwanted visitors to peruse your business and access sensitive data or take physical property. Finding a workaround is crucial for protecting your business interests.

How Can You Protect Your Business?

commercial security systemIf the space you’re leasing isn’t up to snuff on security but the building manager or rental group isn’t willing to make changes, you may have to create a commercial security system for your space by consulting an expert. They can inspect the space and help you zero in on key security concerns.

Common measures to up security include strategically placed CCTV cameras that provide documentation of any theft or illegal activity that occurs. You may also consider restricting access to your portions of the rented space with keycard readers or RFID scanners. Just make sure any changes are approved by the building owner or manager before you proceed.


Businesses in Tacoma, WA, rely on Robblee’s Total Security for comprehensive commercial security systems. The company is also skilled at creating custom home security set-ups that include cameras and alarms. With security solutions like safes, CCTV systems, and card readers, they’ll help you protect what matters most. Learn more about their offerings online, and call (253) 627-5448 to schedule a commercial security system consultation.
