
Across all industries, data protection is a priority. Whether it’s research, media, or a contract, any data loss can slow down your work. However, having a backup of your files can avoid this. There are two options to choose from: cloud storage and external hard drives. Although it may seem like one will suffice, IT services recommend that you should use both for your business. To understand why, below is more information about both options.

Cloud Storage


Cloud storage is easy to set up and use daily, and it allows maximum accessibility. You don’t need an IT services team to hardwire a connection to back up or download data; as long as you have an internet connection, you can access any files that you need. If you have multiple locations, or your employees travel, cloud storage provides the ability to access and store data, regardless of the user’s physical location. 

Disaster Recovery

Compared to an external hard drive, cloud storage also holds up well during environmental issues. Since everything is online, neither fires nor floods at your business can compromise the data. However, with a burnt or water-logged external hard drive, an IT service team cannot always recover the data effectively. Not only is this time-consuming, but it is also costly to replace essential documents and files.

External Hard Drives


it servicesAs convenient as cloud storage is, external hard drives are still valuable for businesses. For one, they don’t require an online connection; even if your commercial internet connection is reliable, there’s a chance it can still go down. However, with an external hard drive, a working computer is all you need. Furthermore, when you need to access a backup, this option is faster. If you lose a significant amount of data, an external hard drive can retrieve it much quicker than the cloud. 

File Sizes

External hard drives are also more suitable for large files. For example, if you work with audio or video, uploading and downloading this data to the cloud is time-consuming. Although it depends on the exact size, transferring it to a hard drive will be much faster. This allows you to get your business operational much quicker, ensuring you do not miss out on sales.


Whether you already have one of these storage options in place or need help implementing both, contact Techie Dudes. Trusted by businesses and residents throughout the Greater St. Paul, MN, area, this company provides IT services, computer repairs, network security, and more. Their team will ensure your data is backed up and protected. Learn more about this and their other business computer solutions on their website. Call (651) 330-6483 to schedule a consultation.
